Baby Dedication Guidance

We dedicate children back to God because the Scriptures teach that children are a heritage from the Lord. (Psalms 127:3) Children come from God and should be given back to God. Hannah’s dedication of Samuel is used as our example. (I Samuel 1:19-28)

When parents dedicate their children back to God, they are saying: “The child’s life came from the Lord and they are dedicating the child back to God for His service. The parents are promising God that they will raise the child to follow Him and asking for the favor of God to promote, protect and prosper the child’s life (Proverbs 22:6).

Some churches practice the sacrament of infant baptism. NWCC doesn’t believe in the sacrament of infant baptism as we believe baptism is reserved for those who are mature enough to make a personal decision to confess the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord over their lives.  Read more guidance in our brochure below.



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